Batteria Litio 18v-2.0ah Black+Decker BL2018 Originale

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Batteria Litio 18v-2.0ah trapano elettrico Black+Decker BL2018

6 1 egbhp188 trapano percussione h1 hpp 2 speed hammer drill. nod - fld00120970 + ec1461005 = egbhp188bk-gb qw, live 39 1 gkc1820l motosega h1 - h2 lb version indicates "bare unit" gkc1820l20k-gb = nod fld00080031 + ec144289 + task 356652 + cn0290134 gkc1820l-xe = nod task 348824 + cn 0283572 gkc1820lkit-qw and gkc1820l-xe = amit datta nod gb, qw, live 866 1 gpc1820l potatrice h1 - h2 ec1458235 - change rivet length 9.2 to 10.2mm and change bom to replace 5148132-00 and sub to 5148132-01 gpc1820lb-xe = amit datta nod (22-09-15) + cn0283002 + task 348356 (no unique parts found) gpc1820l20k-gb = nod task 356652 + cn0290134 gpc1820l-gb + xe = nod task 348825 + cn0283573 gb, qw, live 5 1 gtc1843l tagliatrice sen cavo h1 - h2 lb version indicates "bare unit" ec1438740 - emi requirement to add 2pcs 0.47uf capacitor and a ring varistor in the motor, added 2pcs 4.5uh inductors to the motor wire. ec1458235 - change rivet length 9.2 to 10.2mm and change bom to replace 5148132-00 and sub to 5148132-01 gtc1843l+lb-xe = amit datta nod + cn0283003 + task 348357 gtc1843l-gb+qw+xe discontinued march 17 (via npi live list) + task 348828 + cn 0283576 gb, qw, live 24 1 gtc1850l tagliasiepi sen cavo h1 - eu gt1850lfc not introduced into the gb market - unique items have been removed from the structure nod 2014 - cn0282614 - task 347897 = gtc1850l-gb + gtc1850n-gb = no unique parts nod 07-2015 - cn0286660 - task 352544 = gtc1850lfc-qw = no unique parts no nod but on npi live list 2017 lb version indicates "bare unit" rea00068292 - change pcb supplier from hua jie to kai ge. 06/06/2012 rea00074991 - emi upgrade to the motor. ec1439669 - battery pack change. ec1454631- fast charger change es363 to es274 for housing top and rating label not actioned as 425 of old charger still in stock gb, qw, discontinued 31/03/2017 4 1 gwc1800l soffiante depress h1 nod via cn0287606 plus npi live list 2017 gb, qw, discontinued 31/07/2016 14 1 stc1820 tagliabordi a filo senza cavo 1 stc1820cmk = unit plus an extra spool ec1461224 = vi project to re design pcb ,cable , remove sensor and magnet for gb/qw. unit on partial support and vi parts not included in service bom. gb, qw, live 14 1 stc1820d tagliabordi a filo senza cavo 1 single speed, non-tacho version of the stc1820. ec1461224 = vi project to re design pcb ,cable , remove sensor and magnet for qw. unit on partial support and vi parts not included in service bom. global change

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