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You will already have happened ... your recipes ready to be informed, turn on the oven, let it warm up a little, but after a few minutes "Puf" electricity is interrupted. The blue switch of your electrical panel or the counter are lowered and your home is in the dark.

Nothing serious.

The first thing you can do is verify that there are no other bright appliances. I speak of the most "energetic" appliances such as: iron, water heaters, electric stoves, air conditioners, washing machine and dishwasher that causes a detachment imposed by the electricity manager for overcoming power.

If this is not the case, it is about the resistance of the oven

If you have the patience to read my article I will try to explain how to keep them efficient and make them last longer.


The “electrical resistance"Also called"heating unit”, “heating block", It opposes the passage of the current and by physical effect heats your foods, it is composed of an electrical wire often of tungsten or nickel contained inside an envelope. I will not be to dwell on technical aspects that many people more competent than me have already described on adequate specific literature.


There are thousands of types, forms size, but they are always "electrical resistance”.

The first thing I want to tell you is that all electrical resistance They fear humidity.

The isolation between the filament and the wrapping is composed of a silicon sand or other insulating materials but being porous easily absorb the humidity that if it exceeds a certain threshold creates electrical conductivity and ruins the resistence

If you have cooked foods that release a lot of humidity, I recommend leaving the oven Still on for a minute after you baked the dishes. Past a minute turns off the oven And leave the counter slightly open to facilitate cooling.


The resistance They fear temperature changes.


It is very important to avoid opening the several times oven during cooking or in any case when it is in operation.

Open the Oven door, especially when it is in cold environments or with air currents, can cause a "thermal shock" that can deform the structure of the resistence Up to lead to the interruption of the filament and therefore will no longer heat. Or the filament will touch the external envelope of the resistence creating a short circuit that will blow up the life life saver.

Always check the integrity of the cooking chamber of oven.


THE electric ovens Of good quality they are equipped with a sealed and isolated cooking chamber by the external body, this to guarantee a constant and uniform temperature cooking environment.

The integrity of the resistance It is very close to the status of the cooking chamber.

When you clean the oven Ascertained with care that the lateral and lower surfaces are not compromised by rust or other deposits that over time have corroded the surfaces by creating holes or cracks.

If so, I advise you to start thinking about a oven new one. Unfortunately the cooking chamber is practically the soul of the ovenThe resistance They will disperse heat and their duration will be much lower. All this will cause a bad and non -uniform cooking of the food.

In questo caso è sconsigliabile qualsiasi tipo di repair

The resistenze non si guastano quasi mai tutte insieme.

Sapevi che nei forni moderni possono esserci fino a 5 resistenze?

If the oven non cuoce più bene, ma comunque lo senti caldo, non disperare, quasi sempre una delle resistenze si è interrotta e quindi la potenza riscaldante sarà molto minore.


The good news is that almost always just replace one to still have the oven in perfect shape.


I hope I was helpful.


Until next time

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