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Why choose a traditional arm espresso machine

Coffee is one of the most appreciated drinks in the world and its preparation can become an art. If you are a coffee enthusiast, you probably already have your favorite espresso machine. However, if you are trying to buy one or to replace it, you may be attempted by the new pod and capsules machines that promise to make the preparation of coffee fast and easy. But before making a decision, you should consider the advantages of using a traditional arm espresso machine.

First of all, the waffles and capsules are often more expensive both in terms of purchase and long -term use. The pods and capsules have a cost per single portion of coffee which can be up to five times higher than that of fresh ground coffee. In addition, these systems often produce a limited amount of variety of coffee, which means that you may be forced to pay more for your favorite coffee or to give up completely.

In addition, pod and capsules machines are often less ecological than traditional arm. Cialde and capsules are often produced in plastic or aluminum, which are not easily recyclable materials. This means that they often end up in waste, contributing to pollution and the excess of waste. Traditional arm machines, on the other hand, use only fresh ground coffee, which can be easily recycled or composed.

But the advantages of using a traditional arm coffee machine do not stop there. These machines also allow you to have greater control over the preparation of your coffee. With a traditional arm machine, you can choose the type of coffee beans, their degree of grinding and the amount of coffee you want to use. This means that you can customize your coffee

Continuing, traditional arm espresso machines often produce a higher quality coffee compared to that obtained with pods and capsules. This is because fresh ground coffee maintains its aroma and flavor longer than the pods and capsules, which can lose part of their aromas during the packaging process. In addition, traditional arm machines often have a higher pressure and a more controlled water temperature, which can contribute to a better coffee quality.

Finally, traditional arm espresso machines can be an excellent choice for those who want to learn to prepare coffee in a professional way. Many of these machines are equipped with advanced features such as temperature and pressure control, which can help get the most out of coffee beans. In addition, learning to use a traditional arm espresso machine can be an excellent opportunity to learn the basics of coffee preparation and to experiment with different recipes and preparation methods.

In summary, if you are looking for an express coffee machine that offers quality, flexibility and long -term savings, you should consider the purchase of a traditional arm machine. Not only will it allow you to prepare your favorite coffee in a personalized way, but it will also allow you to contribute to the reduction of pollution and waste, in addition to offering you the opportunity to learn the art of coffee preparation



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