Italian espresso is a hot and concentrated drink obtained from the grinding of toasted coffee beans and the subsequent infusion under pressure of hot water. Here's how to prepare real Italian espresso coffee:
Choose a mixture of quality coffee: choose a mixture of high quality coffee with a medium or dark roasting. It is important to use quality coffee to obtain maximum taste and aroma.
Tan the coffee beans: use a medium-light cone grinding to grind coffee beans. The amount of coffee to be used depends on the amount of espresso coffee you want to prepare: for a single coffee, about 7 grams of ground coffee are needed.
Prepare the espresso coffee machine: make sure that the espresso coffee machine is well clean and that the water is at a temperature of about 92 ° C.
Prepare the espresso coffee: insert the filter in the espresso coffee machine and fill it with the amount of ground coffee needed. Level the coffee with a spatula and then press slightly to compact it.
Start the espresso coffee machine: start the espresso coffee machine and wait for coffee to start going out. It should leave slowly and create a dark and dense cream.
Serve the espresso: espresso coffee should be served in a cup of ceramic or porcelain espresso cup, warm and dry. Do not add milk or sugar: the real Italian espresso is tasted pure.
I hope these tips have been useful to prepare the real Italian espresso coffee. Remember to use quality coffee and to respect the proportions indicated to obtain maximum taste and aroma. Good coffee!
How to prepare real Italian espresso coffee

Tags: Caffè